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36 Video results for: Pastoral Ministry

Displaying page 1 of 4
  • Exploring Christian Theology by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is tradition?
    • Which traditions are good?
    • Why is theology a form of tradition?
    • How can we distinguish what the Bible teaches from what we believe it teaches?
    • Should churches try to balance orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos?
    • Should orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos all be emphasized in the local church?
    • What's wrong with theology being bound by tradition?
    • Should we avoid rationalism?
    • Why do we need to be aware of ourselves if the goal of theology is objective truth?
    • Are these lessons designed to convert students to a particular tradition?
    • Is it possible for different denominations to benefit from each other?
    • What are the five solas of the Reformation?
    • How do creeds and confessions relate to the solas?
    • Do the solas of the Reformation ignore the Father and the Holy Spirit?
    • If justification is by faith alone, why does the Bible emphasize good works?
    • If everything should be done for God's glory, where does our glorification fit?
    • How can the Old and New Testaments be unified when they look so different?
    • Is the New Testament more relevant to us than the Old Testament?
    • Does the Bible emphasize God's transcendence over his immanence?
    • Does the modern church need to hear more about God's transcendence or his immanence?
    • How much of the world's culture should the church try to transform?
    • Why does the modern church have a hard time trying to transform culture?
    • Is Christian theology defined as what Christians believe?
    • Is there a core set of beliefs that all Christians can affirm?
    • How much theological diversity is acceptable?
    • Why are some religions closer to Christianity than others are?
    • Do believers sometimes suppress the truth that God has revealed?

    Lesson 2 of the course: Building Your Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [371 MB] | Medium Resolution [371 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pastoral Ministry
  • Diachronic Developments in the Old Testament by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 3 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is the difference between "diachronic" and "synchronic"?
    • Do we start with synchronic or diachronic analysis?
    • Does synchronic or diachronic analysis have priority over the other?
    • Did biblical authors ever use synchronic and diachronic approaches at the same time?
    • Why does the theology of the Bible change?
    • How do we reconcile God s sovereignty with theological development in the Bible?
    • Do theological developments ever occur simply because God changes his mind?
    • Do all biblical theologians divide the Bible according to covenants?
    • Besides matching epochs to covenants, how else do biblical theologians divide the Bible?
    • Why did God establish so many covenants?
    • What does the multiplicity of covenants teach us about God's character?
    • Are there both conditional and unconditional covenants?
    • Are some covenants more conditional than others?
    • Is the new covenant conditional?
    • How do we fulfill our covenant obligations under the new covenant?
    • What is the difference between epochal and topical development?
    • What are the dangers of a topical approach to Scripture?
    • What is the proper way to use typology in studies of Scripture?
    • Is it always necessary to look for types of Christ when we study the Old Testament?
    • Is a type a figure of speech?
    • What are the elements of a type?
    • How do types depend on and reflect theological development?

    Lesson 3 of the course: Building Biblical Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [282 MB] | Medium Resolution [243 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Theology
  • What Is Biblical Theology? by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is the difference between systematic theology and biblical theology?
    • Which is more important: systematic theology or biblical theology?
    • Do systematic theology and biblical theology inform each other?
    • Does biblical theology reflect the content and priorities of the Bible?
    • Why do biblical theologians focus on extraordinary acts of God?
    • How might biblical theology make use of an ordinary act of God?
    • Do Christians always reformulate theology in response to culture?
    • Is it dangerous to reformulate theology in response to culture?
    • What is the difference between critical and evangelical biblical theology?
    • Why do critical biblical theologians value Heilsgeschichte or redemptive history?
    • Why is it important to realize that the Bible records actual history?
    • How can we prove that the Bible records true history?
    • How did Hodge's view of evangelical biblical theology differ from Warfield's view?
    • What was Vos' view of evangelical biblical theology?
    • If we focus entirely on Jesus and redemptive history, what might we miss?
    • Why are both act and word revelation important?
    • How is act revelation "radial" and "ambiguous"?
    • How do epochal shifts correspond to periods of increased revelation?
    • Doesn't God constantly provide revelation?
    • How should shifts in revelation influence modern application?
    • How is the history of revelation "organic"?

    Lesson 1 of the course: Building Biblical Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [293 MB] | Medium Resolution [243 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Theology
  • Contours of New Testament Biblical Theology by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 4 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Why do biblical theologians study the Old and New Testaments separately?
    • What do biblical theologians do with the New Testament?
    • Did biblical writers contradict each other?
    • How diverse are the theologies of the biblical writers?
    • How do we discover the different theologies of the New Testament writers?
    • What is eschatology?
    • How did the doctrine of eschatology develop?
    • Did the prophets ever predict things that did not come to pass?
    • Why was John the Baptist surprised by Jesus' ministry?
    • Will we be surprised by the details of Christ's return?
    • Why didn't the end times unfold in the way the Old Testament prophets had predicted?
    • Do historical contingencies continue to apply today?
    • Has the new covenant come?
    • Does the New Testament contain different eschatologies?
    • What are some practical implications of biblical theology's focus on eschatology?

    Lesson 4 of the course: Building Biblical Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [274 MB] | Medium Resolution [242 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Theology
  • Salvation by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 6 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Why do fallen human beings need a Savior?
    • Why did Adam's fall into sin have such terrible consequences for humanity and creation?
    • What problem has sin created in our relationship with God?
    • Why is Jesus the only one that can save us?
    • Is Jesus the loving God who saves us from the Father's wrath?
    • Were people saved the same way in both the Old Testament and the New Testament?
    • What benefits do we receive as a result of God's forgiveness?
    • If we can be forgiven just because we ask, does that cheapen grace?
    • Are there any benefits to modern Christians if we regularly repent of and confess our sins?
    • What will our glorified bodies be like?
    • When our souls are in heaven and our bodies are in the grave, are we in two places at the same time?
    • Did the Old Testament saints believe in a future resurrection?
    • What is eternal life?
    • When does eternal life begin?
    • What's the difference between everlasting life and eternal existence?
    • What kinds of blessings do we receive as a result of Jesus' resurrection?
    • What might our life in heaven be like?
    • What will the new heavens and new earth be like?
    • How should we respond to God's gift of salvation?

    Lesson 6 of the course: The Apostles' Creed
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [539 MB] | Medium Resolution [508 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Early Church, Salvation
  • What Is Systematic Theology? by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Is Christian theology rooted in Scripture alone?
    • Should we use general revelation in systematic theology?
    • Why is logical coherence important?
    • How can we focus on multiple themes in Scripture?
    • Does systematic theology impose Aristotelian thinking onto the Bible?
    • Does systematic theology incline us toward speculation?
    • Why is a traditional emphasis important in systematic theology?
    • Why do some Christians prefer modern thinking over traditional thinking?
    • Are we held accountable to the past?
    • What role does the Old Testament play in systematic theology?
    • Should we do theology pastorally instead of systematically?
    • Should we use systematic theology in preaching and pastoring?
    • Does the focus of systematic theology differ from the focus of the Bible?
    • What modern questions is systematic theology answering?
    • What happens when culture influences systematic theology?
    • Is it right to use systematic theology to discipline and teach the nations?
    • How can we relate ancient cultural situations to modern situations?
    • Are some modern cultures more similar than others to ancient culture?
    • Do the differences between modern and ancient culture make the Bible irrelevant?
    • How did the early church use Neo-Platonic language?
    • Does modern theology emphasize the spiritual over the material?
    • What is the difference between Neo-Platonism and Aristotelianism?
    • Does traditional systematic theology overemphasize rationality?
    • What is the role of the Holy Spirit in systematic theology?
    • Do systematic theologians sometimes avoid the Holy Spirit's ministry?
    • Should we focus on the past or present when we do theology?
    • How do we guard our hearts when we interact with modern culture?

    Lesson 1 of the course: Building Systematic Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [324 MB] | Medium Resolution [225 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pastoral Ministry
  • What Is Theology? by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • How are orthopraxis and orthopathos different from orthodoxy?
    • What are some examples of orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos?
    • Does orthopraxis add a requirement of works to the gospel?
    • Which is primary: orthodoxy, orthopraxis or orthopathos?
    • How do orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos interrelate?
    • What is a web of multiple reciprocities?
    • How can we balance orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos?
    • How can we resolve tensions between orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos?
    • Why is the series titled "Building Your Theology"?
    • Is it biblical to engage in formal theology?
    • Do the academic and life orientations toward theology influence each other?
    • How can we broaden our orientation toward theology?
    • Is formal theology the best way to discover truth?
    • Should we evaluate general revelation in terms of orthodoxy, orthopraxis and orthopathos?
    • Do you have to be smart to do theology?
    • How do biblical studies, history and theology, and practical theology interrelate?
    • Why do seminaries have a hard time teaching practical theology?

    Lesson 1 of the course: Building Your Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [356 MB] | Medium Resolution [356 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pastoral Ministry
  • The Church by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 5 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is the church?
    • Why is it helpful to consider the church's Old Testament background?
    • How similar were God's purposes for the Old Testament church and the New Testament church?
    • How is the Old Testament church's relationship to Christ similar to the New Testament church's relationship to Christ?
    • Why do Christians need the church?
    • What is God's holiness?
    • What does the church's identity as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation imply about its modern obligations?
    • What is the proper role of ordained ministers in the church?
    • How can pastors adapt their teaching to audiences that include unbelievers?
    • What are some responsible applications we can draw from our beliefs about the visible and invisible church?
    • How should the church treat the unbelieving world?
    • When should our charitable giving remain with those in the church, and when should it go to people outside the church?
    • What are some practical ways that churches can carry out the Great Commission?
    • Can a well-meaning person be saved without coming to faith in Christ?
    • What does the Bible say should be our attitude toward the suffering and persecution we endure?
    • What does it mean to be "in Christ"?
    • What are some of the benefits of union with Christ?
    • Should each means of grace be administered every time the church gathers for worship?
    • How can we promote unity and reconciliation between believers?

    Lesson 5 of the course: The Apostles' Creed
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [470 MB] | Medium Resolution [449 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Early Church, Church and Sacraments
  • Technical Terms in Systematics by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Are theological technical terms an unnecessary hindrance?
    • How can pastors help their congregations understand technical terms?
    • Should we all encourage Christians to learn theological technical terms?
    • Should we use technical terms when we teach and preach in church?
    • Why did God make language ambiguous?
    • How can we be confident that our understanding of Scripture is correct?
    • Do problems arise when technical terms are translated into new languages?
    • Are some concepts identified by multiple technical terms?
    • Should we vary our language in order to communicate to different people?
    • How can we communicate to diverse groups without using technical terms?
    • Does the Bible have its own theological technical terms?
    • How can we tell when the Bible is using multiple terms to refer to a single concept?
    • How important is it to understand the differences between biblical writers?
    • How are theological technical terms created?
    • Is there a continuing need to create new technical terms in theology?
    • Do we risk changing our concepts when we create new technical terms?
    • Should we work with Christians in other cultures to develop technical terms?
    • Is it wrong to assign new meaning to biblical terms in order to use them as technical terms?
    • How can we make sure that we understand biblical terms rightly?
    • Can believers from other cultures help us understand biblical concepts?
    • Do we really need a complex system of theology in addition to Scripture?
    • Is it wrong to get theological technical terms from extrabiblical sources?
    • How can technical terms answer deep questions about the Bible?
    • Is it sometimes more efficient to avoid technical terms?
    • How do we help believers work with technical terms and concepts?

    Lesson 2 of the course: Building Systematic Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [291 MB] | Medium Resolution [200 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pastoral Ministry
  • Synchronic Synthesis of the Old Testament by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What does the term "synchronic" mean when it's applied to the Bible?
    • What does the term "synthesis" mean when it's applied to the Bible?
    • How do the Hebrew and Greek mindsets relate to synchronic synthesis?
    • Does the Bible use synchronic synthesis?
    • How can we use the Bible to get information about a particular period of time?
    • Did Bible writers manipulate history?
    • How similar is biblical history to modern journalism?
    • Do figures of speech make it difficult to discern historical data?
    • Do we have to bring external data even to biblical narratives?
    • What modern archaeological discoveries have helped us understand the Bible?
    • Is Genesis chapter 1 poetry or narrative?
    • How scientifically precise is the Bible?
    • Why should we include information from other time periods when doing synchronic synthesis?
    • When do we have enough information to interpret a passage?
    • How do covenants function as middle-level theological structures?
    • How do covenants relate to the doctrine of salvation by grace alone?
    • How does kingdom function as the Bible's complex-level theological structure?
    • When is the kingdom of God motif seen in the Old Testament?

    Lesson 2 of the course: Building Biblical Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [257 MB] | Medium Resolution [219 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Theology

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